IDTechEx presents Smart Labels USA 2004

Dec. 1, 2003
IDTechEx is delighted to announce the worlds largest smart labels conference: Smart Labels USA 2004, focusing on the big picture: RFID, smart packaging

IDTechEx is delighted to announce the world’s largest smart labels conference: Smart Labels USA 2004, focusing on the big picture: RFID, smart packaging and beyond.

The conference will be on March 17-18 2004 (optional workshops March 16 & 19 2004) at the Long Wharf Marriott, Boston, MA, USA. More details are available at

This is the third Smart Labels USA event. In 2003, 344 delegates from 20 countries attended. This year over 400 attendees are anticipated. It will also be the tenth global conference run by IDTechEx covering RFID, smart labels & smart packaging.

The RFID industry is now gearing up with large orders beginning to be placed: by 2007 the RFID market will be worth $4 billion, growing to at least $10 billion by 2013 (Source: IDTechEx market research). RFID is creating new markets and tackling glaring inefficiencies in others, and the move towards ultra low cost electronics is bringing a wave of new disruptive technologies and processes. Existing technologies are becoming cheaper and thinner, the electronic world is moving into the printing world and brand new forms of electronic integration are appearing.

Smart Labels USA 2004 covers all of these topics and has a strong focus on presenting experiences from actual implementations and discussion of the needs of users – by users themselves – providing an excellent insight into what is really needed by the industry. This is the ideal event to attend for industry intelligence, case study reports, technology awareness and networking on RFID smart labels, smart packaging and beyond. This year, IDTechEx are also introducing new networking systems to ensure you get the most out of attending this event.

The conference agenda reflects the very latest in RFID case studies, pilot schemes, business strategies and cutting edge technologies. The program is devised based on our global consultancy experience from the USA, Europe and Asia.

Day one (Wednesday March 17) focuses on end users discussing their needs and experiences of RFID within many business areas including the supply chain, the pharmaceutical industry, all modes of transport and archiving, retail, industrial and warehousing uses.

Day two (Thursday March 18) concentrates on new innovations and exciting technology developments.

There are also three optional IDTechEx Workshops (Tuesday March 16 & Friday March 19) which are ideal for those wishing to learn about the technology and its uses from independent industry experts. These give delegates a chance to air their concerns and share their experiences. The two pre-conference workshops cover RFID and Smart Packaging topics, bringing you up to date with the very latest developments and market information. The post conference workshop entitled ‘Implementing RFID’ will enable you to assess the benefits of the technology within your business and how you should go about using it.

The speaker list and full programme details will be posted on

Every delegate receives free access to the IDTechEx journals, conference proceedings with all presentation details, white papers, tag samples of actual RFID tags, and many other benefits. Visit to see feedback from our previous events. For more information: Raghu Das [email protected] Email : [email protected]