Material Handling Conference Call for Papers

Jan. 1, 2007
HK Systems (Milwaukee) is seeking qualified speakers to deliver presentations at its upcoming 2007 Material Handling and Logistics Conference to be held

HK Systems (Milwaukee) is seeking qualified speakers to deliver presentations at its upcoming 2007 Material Handling and Logistics Conference to be held in Park City, Utah, September 16-19.

The annual conference is a gathering of material handling and supply chain software solution experts and peers. The three-day event is designed by a committee of industry end users and educators to satisfy and enlighten all disciplines in supply chain and material handling. The intended audience includes managers, engineers, technicians and information technologists.

The program content examines a wide range of topics addressing how to implement, integrate, utilize and maintain equipment and software. You are invited to identify interesting, contemporary topics and speakers for this premier educational event. HK Systems is in search of any and all ideas including:

  • Trends in material handling;
  • Science of supply chain and logistics software.
  • New or emerging technologies;
  • Best practices distribution professionals are adopting;
  • General management topics leadership will find rewarding;
  • National or global issues affecting the supply chain;
  • Case studies of interesting and educational projects;
  • Recommendations for keynote speakers who entertain and educate.

All conference presentations must be educational in nature. Absolutely no company or product-specific promotion is permitted. To submit your conference programming suggestions, complete the form found at, no later than February 23.

To review 2006 conference programming, visit

Source: HK Systems