Software as a Service Getting More Respect

April 5, 2013
Validation credited with changing attitudes among users in manufacturing.

Seventy-three percent of respondents to a survey targeted at more than 200 manufacturing leaders in North America indicated that SaaS/cloud solutions are better or significantly better than traditional on-premise ERP platforms. Conducted by the Manufacturing Performance Institute (MPI) on behalf of Plex Systems Inc., the study assessed implementations of enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems, satisfaction with those implementations and the extent to which ERP systems have benefitted organizations.

The study analyzed implementations based on the type of system in place: software-as-a-service (SaaS)/cloud ERP systems vs. traditional ERP systems, where hardware and software reside on the facility premises.

75 percent of SaaS/cloud users expressed increased satisfaction.

“2012 saw the widespread acceptance of cloud computing, including the validation of the model by some of the largest software companies in the world,” said Plex Systems CEO Jason Blessing. “The survey takes a deeper look into the manufacturing sector’s acceptance of and perspective on the use of cloud ERP.

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