ARLINGTON, Va.-PMMI has announced that the PMMI Education& Training Foundation gave out $92,500 in scholarships in 2007. The fundswere distributed to support students and professionals pursuing packagingindustry education at technical schools, colleges and universities in NorthAmerica.
"The Foundation's purpose is to strengthen trainingand education, to help industry professionals have what it takes to move theircompanies forward," says PMMI President & CEO Charles D. Yuska. "Theknowledge these students gain enriches and empowers them and their employers,but when you look at the bigger picture, you see it also enriches the industryas a whole,"
Funds distributed by the PMMI Education & TrainingFoundation include Claude S. Breeden Fund scholarships, C. Glenn Davisscholarships and Mark Garvey scholarships, as well as travel scholarships toprovide students the ability to experience PACK EXPO. Member company employeesare eligible for training scholarships as well.
"PMMI is pleased to be a strong supporter ofpackaging education," Yuska says.
He noted that over the past 10 years, PMMI has providedmore than $1 million in scholarship funding through the Foundation andsupporting scholarship funds. In addition to the above-mentioned scholarships,the PMMI Education & Training Foundation manages the A.R. (Art) Schaeferscholarship fund and collaborates to produce the Packaging Hall of Fame dinnerfundraiser in support of a permanent Packaging Hall of Fame building atMichigan State University.