Industry-led, it’s a standards-based, training, assessment and certification system focused on core skills and knowledge needed by production and supply chain logistics workers.
In addition to being a site for student classes, the Alliance Global Logistics Hub is the national training center for instructors from across the country to learn how to teach the certification program at their respective company, college or high school. All classes at Alliance are conducted through the Tarrant County College–Corporate Services campus at the Alliance Global Logistics Hub.
The new program is proving particularly helpful to military veterans and displaced workers. It’s also of benefit for increasing training of current logistics employees. “This project has created a true career pipeline for dislocated workers changing professions, students looking for careers in an ever-expanding industry and veterans who are transitioning from military to civilian life,” said Sal Adamski, business services manager of Workforce Solutions of Tarrant County.
The certification system for supply chain logistics is modeled after the MSSC’s training, testing and credentialing system for the foundational skills of manufacturing production workers, which now is required for employment by many of the country’s top companies, under the MSSC-sanctioned Certified Production Technician (CPT) program.
In addition to the MSSC, partners in the training program include the Texas Manufacturing Assistance Center, Workforce Solutions for North Central Texas, Workforce Solutions of Tarrant County, Tarrant County College, the North Texas Commission, and the Alliance Global Logistics Hub/Hillwood.
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