CEMA membership includes North American manufacturers and designers of conveyor equipment systems and accessories. It is a resource for conveyor safety dimensional and application standards. CEMA actively promotes the capabilities of its members worldwide. Among its activities, CEMA collects monthly industry statistics and addresses issues of concern to its members, including matters of conveyor safety.
Other officers elected at the Annual Meeting: Vice President, Bill Pugh, president, Ralphs-Pugh Co., Benicia, Calif.; Secretary, George Huber III, vice president, Industrial Kinetics Inc., Downers Grove, Ill.; and Treasurer, Merle Davis, president, Automotion Inc., Oak Lawn, Ill.
Elected to the CEMA Board of Directors: Joe Forte, director of sales, Portec Flomaster, Canon City, Colo.; Michael Hoehn, president, Automatic Systems Inc., Kansas City, Mo.; Jim McKnight, vice president system sales, Intelligrated Inc., Mason, Ohio; and Bill Casey, president & COO, SI Systems, Easton, Pa.