AIM Globals Position on Consumer Privacy

Oct. 1, 2005
AIM Global (Warrendale, Penn.), the industry trade association and worldwide authority on automatic identification and mobility technologies, has published

AIM Global (Warrendale, Penn.), the industry trade association and worldwide authority on automatic identification and mobility technologies, has published the first of a series of global position statements addressing issues surrounding radio frequency identification (RFID).

Part of a document entitled AIM Global’s RFID Position Statements, the consumer privacy and security position statement emphasizes that, “AIM Global is dedicated to ensuring full compliance with all relevant personal privacy and security regulations and laws.”

The position paper, that also includes position statements on other important RFID issues, can be downloaded, at no cost, from the AIM Store from the following link:

As the professional association representing the full AIM community of providers and end users, AIM Global is uniquely positioned to deliver clear, unbiased, and credible information on auto ID technologies, a broad category of wireless data transmission and data capturing technologies, encompassing RFID.

AIM Global President Dan Mullen said, “The global position statements developed by AIM Global have been crafted, reviewed and approved by a group of industry leaders that are manufacturers, integrators and resellers of RFID technology systems. These industry experts have captured the issues and suggested credible ways to foster the growth of the technology without interfering with the privacy of global citizens.”

Additional AIM Global Position Statements to follow will cover other RFID-related issues such as RFID as an enabler in recycling.

Source: AIM Global