
Dosatron Cart

June 17, 2010
Dosatron International Inc. is expanding its line of portable chemical injection solutions with the introduction of the Li’l Bud-D 5-gallon DosaCart.

The Li’l Bud-D complements the full-size 15-gallon DosaCart and can be used to inject fertilizer, sanitizers and other chemicals in areas that are not easily accessible via a facility’s plumbing system.

The Li’l Bud-D features a 5-gallon-capacity bucket and lid, polyethylene construction and 10 inch, no-flat tires. It measures 44.5 inches high, 19 inches wide and 22 inches deep, allowing it to navigate through aisles and other small spaces.

Dosatron has also developed a quick hook-up kit for the Li’l Bud-D, which helps protect the cart and injector from damage and tip over. The Li’l Bud-D Quick Hook-Up Kit includes a filter, stainless-steel clamps and a five-eighths-inch hose with three-fourths-inch inlet and outlet adaptors. The Li’l Bud-D can be used with any of Dosatron’s three-fourths inch injectors.

Dosatron International Inc.