PHILADELPHA, Pa.— Pembroke Consulting has released the third edition of its market data reference guide to the U.S. wholesale distribution industry.
"The 2008 Wholesale Distribution Economic Factbook" contains detailed economic statistics on 112 sub-sectors within the wholesale distribution industry, according to Pembroke. It supplies benchmarking data for each of the sub-sectors, including revenue and employment growth trends, the number and size distribution of companies, gross margins, wages and other operating statistics.
"Revenues of wholesaler-distributors grew by 8.6% in 2007, marking another year of strong overall performance,” says Adam J. Fein, Ph.D., the study’s author and president of Pembroke Consulting. “However, the performance of individual sub-sectors varied more than in previous years. The ongoing surge in commodity prices continues to ripple through wholesale distribution. Some sectors actually shrank in 2007 after revenues are adjusted for price inflation."
By special arrangement with the National Association of Wholesaler-Distributors (NAW), Pembroke Consulting is making individual sections of the Factbook available for purchase as "2008 Wholesale Distribution Economic Reports." Each report includes economic analyses of one of 19 major wholesale distribution sectors.
To order and download the complete Economic Factbook, visit or call 215-523-5700, ext. 14. To order any of the Economic Reports from NAW, visit or call 202-872-0885.