
Remotely Debug Packaging Machinery

April 12, 2012
Schneider Packaging Equipment’s internet Virtual Private Network (VPN) diagnostics and troubleshooting option allows customers to initiate a private connection between their packaging machinery and Schneider’s service support team.

Schneider Packaging Equipment’s internet Virtual Private Network (VPN) diagnostics and troubleshooting option allows customers to initiate a private connection between their packaging machinery and Schneider’s service support team. The VPN secure connection isolates the machine from the customer’s network, eliminating the possibility of security breaches or network crashes.

The integrated design enables technical experts to identify problems, improve operating efficiency and make system adjustments as well as change/back up/or store programs, new recipes and updates in less time. Once work is completed, the customer disconnects from the VPN network and the machine is ready to resume operations.

Schneider Packaging