
Global Stocking Locations

June 5, 2012
FedEx SupplyChain has added more than 100 new stocking locations worldwide to the FedEx Critical Inventory Logistics network, with the largest network expansions taking place within India and Mexico.

FedEx SupplyChain has added more than 100 new stocking locations worldwide to the FedEx Critical Inventory Logistics network, with the largest network expansions taking place within India and Mexico. The goal is to make stocking locations available where and when customers need them to support their business growth worldwide.

With global event management, a plan is established as well as “milestones” for each critical order, which helps to keep the delivery on track and on time. As soon as an order is picked up, the pick-up scan data is instantly transmitted to the global command and control center to indicate that a milestone has been cleared. If a scan is scheduled but not cleared as planned, follow-up actions are triggered to bring the order back on course.

FedEx SupplyChain