Green Supply Chain Forum

Jan. 1, 2008
Green Supply Chain Forum will be hosted by the RyderCenter for Supply Chain Management at FIU in Miami, Feb 7. The one-day eventwill feature best practices

Green Supply Chain Forum will be hosted by the RyderCenter for Supply Chain Management at FIU in Miami, Feb 7. The one-day eventwill feature best practices from some of the world's leading companiesincluding:

• Stonyfield Farm, Inc. (part of Group Danone) -"Achieving Profitability through Environmentally and Socially ResponsiblePractices," Gary Hirshberg, CEO.

• Hewlett-Packard - "Green Supply Chain Practices inReverse Logistics," Salvador Romo-Fragoso, director of operations.

• General Motors - "Best Practices in Green SupplierManagement," Terry Cullum, director of corporate responsibility,environment and energy.

• iGPS & Osborne Architects - "Best Practices inGreen Warehousing and Facility Design," Bob Moore, CEO, iGPS and DougLancashire, Osborne Architects.

• Environmental Protection Agency - "Regulation andBest Practices in the Trenches," Panel Discussion.

• University of Tennessee - "The Business Case forGreen," Panel Discussion.

The full agenda and additional details can be viewed at The conference will be held at theKovens Conference Center, Florida International University's Biscayne BayCampus, 3000 N. E. 151st Street, Miami, Florida 33181. For directions, visit: