In Chicago, at the fall meeting of the Conveyor Equipment Manufacturers Association (CEMA, Naples, Fla.), held Sept. 18-19, Fred Thimmel, CEMA president, reported sales and order volumes for the first half of 2007.
According to Thimmel, overall industry orders for the first 6 months of 2007 increased 11.1% compared to the same period in 2006, with total orders of $4.1 billion and shipments of $4.0 billion.
Bulk systems and shipments were up significantly, he said. Bulk equipment bookings were up 21% and shipments up 36%. Bulk accessories were up 23% and shipments 19%. Screw Conveyor orders were up 20% and shipments 14%.
On the unit handling side, orders were up 13% and shipments 5%. Sales of unit handling components were up 5%.
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