Power Over Ethernet (PoE) technology is fast becoming a standard feature in a wide variety of products. To date, primary PoE market drivers have been WLAN access points and VoIP phones. However, based on a comprehensive screening model created by Venture Development Corporation, RFID tag readers are positioned to join these market drivers.
The screening model created by VDC scored dozens of potential PoE products based on the following criteria:
Value proposition
Technical requirements
Market potential
As a next-generation market driver, RFID tag readers scored a potential 43 out 45 points.
Furthermore, RFID tag readers with PoE capabilities ought to see increased end-user demand as RFID directives are implemented, as can be exemplified by the following excerpt from the Wal-Mart mandate:
"RFID READERS: Should be agile (largely due to the eventual migration of Class 1 version 2 EPC transponders that allow for one common protocol), and Power over Ethernet based; have flexible output options and RF environment awareness; include security; and have the ability to disable unused features such as Web servers."
To view the press release, including charts go to: http://www.vdc-corp.com/power/press/04/pr04-37.html.