This Fortune 500 company produces flooring of all varieties—from carpet and rugs to hardwood and ceramic tile—and is committed to protecting its valued brand. That requires fulfilling orders as quickly and as error free as possible.
To accomplish this, the company employs a state-of-the-art warehouse management system to manage its flooring inventory, and it needs a barcode labeling system that’s equal to the task. That’s why it chose Camcode for its bulk location barcode system.
“We had been using a hanging barcode system that was professional but had several limitations,” says this company’s logistics manager. “When we were opening several warehouses in 2006, we knew we needed to find a more suitable bulk location barcode system.”
The company’s previous bulk location barcode system was constructed using PVC pipes suspended by chains with flat, fixed signs attached. According to the logistics manager, the pipes and chains added greatly to the system expense and were labor intensive to install. The flat signs often didn’t hang straight, making them difficult to scan from a distance, and they were tough to move when warehouse locations changed. Floor labeling wasn’t an option for the company, either–pallets too often would obstruct the scanner’s view of the barcode.
“Things move fast around here, and we needed a barcode system that provided easy and accurate scanning but could also be installed or moved quickly,” he says. “We found Camcode’s barcode system to be the most cost-effective and efficient solution.”
This flooring manufacturer’s choice was Camcode’s Hanging Long-Range Retro Reflective System, which features a unique bracket design that keeps the barcode label at the proper angle for optimum scanning. The barcode label hangs from a suspended wire over the product location and can easily be read from distances of up to 30 feet. The company was also able to significantly reduce labor and materials costs on installation and save time in the process. The Camcode system has already been installed in 10 of the company’s warehouses, and more are planned in the near future.
“We were facing a tight deadline to have this new barcode system installed and ready to use in our new warehouses,” says the logistics manager. “Camcode’s quick and responsive service was critical to keeping this project on schedule.”
For free samples of Camcode’s Hanging Long-Range Retro Reflective System, click here or visit
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