Retrotech Acquires Woodson

Jan. 1, 2003
An agreement has been signed providing for Retrotech Inc., an established AS/R systems and warehouse automation supplier, to acquire the Woodson Inc.

An agreement has been signed providing for Retrotech Inc., an established AS/R systems and warehouse automation supplier, to acquire the Woodson Inc. technical property. Under the terms of the agreement, Retrotech will own all Woodson's system drawings, software and PLC code that are unique to its product lines.

Retrotech will provide all past, present and new Woodson customers a complete line of technical services for their installed AS/R systems. Qualified personnel includes experienced software programmers, an engineering staff, and a full-service customer service department for spare part orders, along with an established online 24/7 technical support.

The Retrotech/Woodson transaction was completed December 18, 2002. For more information, visit