PORTLAND, – In an effort to maximize integration of leading-edge cargo security technology with the U.S. government's homeland security initiatives, the National Cargo Security Council (NCSC) is hosting a round-table forum that will see industry and government experts from across the nation meet to discuss cargo security implementation strategies that will help to secure global trade.
The event, which is co-sponsored by Nike, is being held specifically to address challengesand concerns facing systems and technology providers as they try to integrate solutions for supply chain security into global or national standards through the Operation Safe Commerce program.
Operation Safe Commerce came to fruition through the efforts of Senator Patty Murray (D, WA)and subsequently spearheaded by the Department of Homeland Security's Transportation Security Administration. Its purpose is to get business, ports and government representatives to work together to analyze current security procedures for cargo entering through the nation's ports and to do research and development on emerging technology to monitor the movement and ensure the security and integrity of containers through the supply chain.
"I applaud the NCSC for helping to facilitate the partnership between government and business which will help improve the security of our nation's ports and supply chains," said Sen. Murray.
"The NCSC works with government officials at all levels and we appreciate Senator Murray's support in bringing this program together", said Joe Baker, Executive Director of the NCSC.
The forum will take place August 14 at Nike's world headquarters in Beaverton, Oregon - just outside of Portland - and will feature a multi-dimensional roster of speakers representing government, industry and ports, including:
Chuck Allen, Chief Executive Officer, LunarEYE
Christine Jackson, Transportation Security Administration
Dean Kothmann, Chief Development Officer, BV Solutions Group
Martin Kroeker, Chief of Police, Portland, or Dale Learn, Legislative Assistant, Office of Senator Patty Murray (D, WA)
Bob Lewis, Vice President Market Development, Safefreight Technology, Inc.
David Newman, Cargo Safety Claims Manager, NIKE, Inc.
Richard Oxford, Director Strategic Accounts, Borders and Ports, Thermo Electron Corp.
Steven Schellenberg, Sr. Consultant, IMS World Wide
Bill Schereck, Chief Operating Officer, Intelagents, Inc.
Thomas E. Sheets, Managing Partner, The Sheets Group
Barry Wilkins,Worldwide Director of Logistic Solutions, Pinkerton Consulting and Investigations
Bill Wyatt, Executive Director, Port of Portland
Michael Zachary, Director of Port Planning and Logistics, Port of Tacoma/Port of Seattle
"The professionals who will be attending this round-table have significant reach into the evolution of policy - in both the public and private sectors – and play a key role in making sure that international supply chains are secure," said Steven Schellenberg, chairman of the NCSC's round-table.
The NCSC www.cargosecurity.comis the nation's leading association on cargo security. It has over 800 members comprising cargo transportation and security professionals from the entire spectrum of cargo security: air, truck, rail, maritime, intermodal and law enforcement. The purpose of the NCSC is to: improve cargo transportation security through voluntary government/industry efforts; to serve as a central clearinghouse for the collection and distribution of information relating to trends, techniques, and efforts to prevent cargo-related crimes; to provide a platform to address transportation industry matters relating to security of cargo; and to assist and support voluntary and self-help initiatives by government, transportation centers, and industry cargo security interests to develop effective initiatives and programs to combat cargo loss.