Accu-Sort’s AccuLazr AL5010 laser bar code scanner has a modular design that includes a scan head, mounting base, power supply and choice of interface modules. Housed in a rugged IP65 enclosure, the AL5010 is designed as a warehouse bar code scanner that functions in almost any industrial environment from distribution centers to tire manufacturing plants. It is easily integrated into most applications, including pick modules, print and apply, routing and sortation systems.
Five models provide scanning coverage from 5 to 48 inches (depending on the bar code’s size) in both standard and high-density configurations.
A basic interface module includes power, scanner and trigger inputs, as well as Ethernet-EtherNet/IP and two RS232/422 serial ports. An enhanced module includes a tach input and up to four optional I/O modules. DeviceNet/Profibus are also available as plug-ins for the enhanced interface. The use of controller/client configuration and greater processing power eliminates the need for a multiplexer/controller in multiple scanner arrays.