Standard-Knapp will feature its 939S Versatron soft catch servo case packer at Pack Expo. It enables packers to handle the thinner, lightweight, and more fragile glass containers being used in the move towards greener, more sustainable packaging. It minimizes the amount of material needed for container partitions, reducing packaging costs.
The new lowering head module, or “soft placement head,” can pick up bottles and other containers and carry them to the packing area, where they can be packed in the case without dropping. The machine places the container all the way to the bottom of the case, at 30 cycles per minute. At the show this module will be set up to run wine bottles.
Versatron’s use of light curtain safety protection will also be demonstrated. This provides added safety to the machine while improving the equipment’s overall equipment efficiency. It allows for a fast mean time to recover from a jam. Operators can easily see a jam in the machine, reach in to correct the situation, and then get the machine back on line quickly.
Booth C-2611