With 99% stainless steel construction and other engineering details, each rugged unit conforms to NEMA standard 250 type 4x specifications for watertight enclosures.
Full release:
New 3M Case Sealers for Productivity in High-moisture Environments
St. Paul, Minn. – March 21, 2006 – 3M announces the addition of three 3M-MaticTM Stainless Steel Case Sealers for the food and beverage industry, pharmaceuticals and other packaging lines in corrosive and high moisture environments. With 99% stainless steel construction and other engineering details, each rugged unit conforms to NEMA standard 250 type 4x specifications for watertight enclosures.
The 3M-Matic 800af-s Case Sealer is a fully automatic adjustable machine that provides tight, consistent seals on a wide range of RSCs with minimal operator training. For productivity, flaps are folded and sealed at up to 28 cases/minute.
The 3M-Matic Case Sealer 700r-s is a random case sealer that seals up to 15 different sized cases/minute, automatically adjusting to height and width of each box.
The 3M-Matic Case Sealer 700a-s features a unique 4-belt upper and lower drive system that conveys uniformly-sized RSCs for a sealing rate of up to 30 cases/minute.
3M™ AccuGlideTM Stainless Steel Taping Head applies tape consistently and accurately using up to 16" diameter rolls of any Scotch® Case Sealing Tapes in 36 mm to 48 mm widths.
For additional information, call 1-800-567-1639, ext. 5007 or visit www.3m.com/packaging. This equipment is offered through 3M Industrial Adhesives & Tapes Division, 3M Center, Building 220-5E-06, St. Paul, MN 55144-1000.
3M in Packaging
Since 1941 when 3M made its first packaging product – pressure sensitive tapes to seal K-rations for the U. S. Army – 3M has been a leader in packaging. From those now famous Scotch® Tapes, to high-speed 3M-Matic packaging machinery, to integrated packaging management solutions and security assurance products, 3M is an established leader in the industry. As an $18 billion, diversified technology company, 3M holds a unique position as both a top supplier and as a major user of packaging technology. 3M knows packaging with expertise in issues affecting diverse industries – food and beverage, life sciences consumer packaged goods, electronics and semiconductor, aerospace, communications, computer equipment, and many others. 3M's expertise in packaging can add value to virtually any company’s operations and serve needs such as packaging automation, product protection, identification and brand building, security, and cost management.
For more information, including the latest product and technology news, visit www.3M.com/packaging
3M-Matic, AccuGlide and Scotch are trademarks of 3M Company.
Contact for more information:
Stephanie Miller
3M Center, Building 220-5E
St. Paul, MN 55144-1000