Accu-Time to license biometric technology

March 1, 2003
Accu-Time Systems (ATS) announced the decision to license its patented biometric technology. Since installing its first systems in 1996, the company has

Accu-Time Systems (ATS) announced the decision to license its patented biometric technology. Since installing its first systems in 1996, the company has introduced technology that helps increase the reliability of existing systems.

”We had no idea in 1996 that useful biometric technology would become mission critical because of something like the tragedies of 9/11,” said Peter DiMaria, a founder of ATS. “The core technology allows for upgrades to biometric technology in existing access control systems. The versatility of a biometrics environment to control one or many locations makes it perfect for today’s mobile society. It is the very mobility of our society and the desire to preserve that mobility that makes biometrics the preferred solution.”

The biometric hardware and software products can upgrade existing card-based access control systems and host computers. The patents cover the emulation of certain industry-standard card reader outputs so that existing card readers can be replaced with biometric readers while remaining transparent to the rest of the legacy system.

Further patents cover the movement of biometric templates from a reader to a host computer and the subsequent distribution of the templates throughout a network of biometric devices, eliminating the need for an individual to enroll on every biometric reader in an enterprise.

”The applications for biometric technology are almost limitless,” said Kevin Drummond, marketing manager for ATS. “In today’s environment, securing commercial and industrial spaces such as airports, offices and factories, as well as providing personal security against identity theft, have become increasingly important.”

The intent of offering the technology for licensing at this time is to encourage the integration of biometric technology so that a multitude of security concerns may be addressed. For more information, visit