
Westfalia Caser; Case Stacker

Aug. 20, 2009
Westfalia Deam Systems introduces two products: a half-gallon/2-liter carton caser and a hybrid powered case stacker.

The half-gallon/2-liter carton caser loads 160 cartons per minute with an air-powered load head. It packs two 16-quart plastic dairy cases simultaneously in a 3x3 packing pattern and comes with dual carton in-feed conveyors with carton brakes and case conveyor. Options include extensions to carton and case conveyors, motor controls for incoming and case conveyors and 24-quart case loading.

The new hybrid powered case stacker operates with a hydraulic lift and compressed air and is capable of stacking 25 cases per minute. It stacks 16- and 24-quart dairy cases up to 6 high.

Both new products, part of a line of beverage case packing and case-handling equipment, are constructed of stainless steel.

Westfalia Deam Systems