After conducting a successful trial of the technology, the State Department began an agency-wide program by tagging 10,000 critical assets with UHF Gen 2.0 passive RFID tags, based on the same standard in use by the Department of Defense and other federal agencies.
The State Department chose Ashburn, Va.,-based Odin to supply the IT asset system. “The State Department is using RFID technology to save taxpayers money by dramatically reducing administrative burden,” says Patrick J. Sweeney II, founder of Odin. “The added security of having RFID-tagged assets will keep sensitive information where it belongs.”
“After using barcodes and thousands of labor hours to track assets for the past 20 years, it is well past time for a new technology,” adds Kirk Ingvoldstad at the Department of State. “Passive RFID from Odin was the right choice for a higher level of security and cost savings.”