innovators make their own way image

Innovators Make Their Own Way

Dec. 9, 2013
Make: Towards a Paperless Food Chain Store: VLMs Match Smoking-Fast Order Processing Move: Don't Play Chicken with Safety Compete: Wirtz Beveral Pours Three Warehouses into One DC

Throughout 2013, Material Handling & Logistics presented accounts of how companies faced every supply chain manager's biggest challenges. Wasted resources, labor inefficiency and unsafe handling environments were common themes, and MH&L's Editorial Advisory Board (See Ask the Experts) took on the challenge of selecting the stories they felt best embodied the spirit of innovation in their solutions. 

On the following pages we revisit those stories and tell you what our judges saw in them:

Make: Towards a Paperless Food Chain

Store: VLMs Match Smoking-Fast Order Processing

Move: Don't Play Chicken with Safety

Compete: Wirtz Beveral Pours Three Warehouses into One DC

About the Author

Tom Andel | Editor-in-Chief

Tom Andel is an award-winning editorial content creator and manager with more than 35 years of industry experience. His writing spans several industrial disciplines, including power transmission, industrial controls, material handling & logistics, and supply chain management. 

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