Schmersal's SLC445 Series, Type 4 Safety Light Curtains offer muting, cyclic operation, and multiple scan functions in addition to a wide range of integrated functions easily configurable without special tools or software. They can be adapted to individual applications. Their Series IP67 rated housing is a compact (28 mm x 33 mm) one-piece extrusion featuring an integrated 7-segment display and an LED illuminated end cap for status signaling. These light curtains are for the protection of hazardous areas, and are available with resolutions of 14 or 30 mm and protection field heights between 170 and 1770 mm. Also available as 2, 3, or 4 beam safety light grids for perimeter guarding. The series is suited for use in safety circuits up to PLe (EN 13849) or SIL3 (IEC 61508).
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