Transmittal Timeframes for Advance Electronic Cargo Information

Dec. 17, 2003
(Section 343, Trade Act of 2002)Mode Import/Export Timeframe Responsible Parties Air/Courier Import 4 hours prior to arrival in U.S. or "wheels up" from

(Section 343, Trade Act of 2002)

Mode Import/Export Timeframe Responsible Parties
Air/Courier Import 4 hours prior to arrival in U.S. or "wheels up" from certain nearby areas Air Carriers, Importer or broker, freight forwarder, express consignment facility, other air carriers
Air/Courier Export 2 hours prior to departure from U.S. Exporter
Rail Import 2 hours prior to arrival in U.S. Rail Carrier
Rail Export 2 hours prior to arrival at the border* Exporter
Vessel Import 24 hours prior to lading at foreign port Vessel carriers, NVOCCs
Vessel Export 24 hours prior to departure from U.S. port where cargo is laden* Exporter
Truck Import FAST: 30 minutes, Non-FAST: 1 hour prior to arrival in U.S. Truck carriers, Importers, Customs broker
Truck Export 1 hour prior to border crossing Exporter
*Changed in final rule

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