Precise Biometrics To Participate in EU Project

March 31, 2008
TURBINE (Trusted Revocable Biometric Identities) has awarded Precise Biometrics SEK 5.7 million ($957,600) in research funding to help develop an authentication

TURBINE (Trusted Revocable Biometric Identities) has awarded Precise Biometrics SEK 5.7 million ($957,600) in research funding to help develop an authentication method based on advanced fingerprint recognition and complex cryptographic techniques. Representatives from banking, government, healthcare and aviation will be involved. The end result will be tested in a live airport environment.
The European Union-financed 7th Framework Programme for Research received SEK 60.2 million ($10.1 million). Precise Biometrics has been involved in other EU projects, including one which combined functions of smart biometric EU citizen cards and mobile applications.
In separate news in the US, Transportation Security Administration figures on the Transportation Worker Identification Credential (TWIC) indicated 154,043 individuals have enrolled and 64,867 cards have been printed. A report quoted by the National Industrial Transportation League (NITL) estimates one million workers will need a TWIC when the program goes into full effect in September 2008.

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