Supply-Chain Council reformats the SCOR Model

Oct. 3, 2005
The Supply-Chain Council (SCC), an international, not-for-profit trade association of companies from multiple industries and responsible for all development,

The Supply-Chain Council (SCC), an international, not-for-profit trade association of companies from multiple industries and responsible for all development, maintenance, enhancement and distribution of the Supply-Chain Operations Reference (SCOR) model, is undergoing a major project to restructure the Model and publish it in a software technology neutral database format. SCOR version 8.0 will be released in early 2006.

The SCC underwent an extensive review process to select a product that will be used to maintain the Model as an object-oriented database. Historically, the SCC has kept the core model in Microsoft Word and PowerPoint format to ensure that all SCC members could access the Model without relying on specialized or proprietary software. As the SCC has grown in membership and the Model has been translated into multiple mediums and languages, the SCC recognized that publishing multiple renditions of the Model from a single core database would substantially reduce the administrative cost of managing the Model, shorten Model development cycle times, and provide practitioners with more robust (and friendly) SCOR-based tools.

Proforma Corporation’s ProVision enterprise modeling suite has been selected as the software tool that the SCC staff will use to maintain and publish the Model. Proforma will partner with the SCC to convert the SCOR Model into an object-oriented relational database and assist the Council in developing internal capabilities to maintain, manage, and develop SCOR and future models, such as the DCOR Model now under development by an international project team. Other process modeling software providers have been invited and agreed to participate in the project and ensure that the Model can be ported easily into any software tool.

SCOR is a process reference model that allows companies to transform their supply chains by mapping their supply chain processes, determining where weak links exist, employing best practices, and measuring performance against industry benchmarks. Consisting of several increasingly detailed layers, SCOR allows companies to examine their supply chain processes and their relationships between partners, suppliers and customers. Companies using SCOR have seen dramatic ROI and savings due to increased supply chain efficiency.

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