NAFTA Trade Value Grew Last Year

March 4, 2008
December value was up 3.1% year over year. In fact only two months in 2007 showed declines in the value of monthly US surface transportation trade with

December value was up 3.1% year over year. In fact only two months in 2007 showed declines in the value of monthly US surface transportation trade with NAFTA (North American Free Trade Agreement) partners, Mexico and Canada. Those months were January, down 0.9%, and February, down 0.2%.

Year over year the value of surface transportation trade with Canada was up 3.7%, at $39.6 billion. Trade with Mexico for the month was valued at $21.3 billion, up 2.1%. There are different pictures for the month for trading partner imports and exports. In December 2007 imports from Canada that moved by truck were down 6.7% year over year, while exports were up 5.0%. Imports moving by truck from Mexico in December were up 6.9%, while exports declined by 3.3%.

In order from largest to smallest, the top 10 states to benefit from surface trade with Canada are Michigan, Illinois, Ohio, New York, California, Texas, Washington, Pennsylvania, Minnesota and Indiana. Top 10 states trading with Mexico, in order from largest to smallest, are Texas, California, Michigan, Illinois, Arizona, Ohio, Tennessee, North Carolina, Pennsylvania and New York.

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