WERC Elects Ken Miesemer as President

May 8, 2007
Members of the Warehousing Education and Research Council (WERC, www.werc.org) elected Ken Miesemer, senior consultant for St. Onge (York, Pa., www.stonge.com),

Members of the Warehousing Education and Research Council (WERC, www.werc.org) elected Ken Miesemer, senior consultant for St. Onge (York, Pa., www.stonge.com), as its new president at the organization's recent annual conference in Nashville. Miesemer has served in various roles within WERC, including vice president, secretary treasurer and director of the annual conference.

"My goal is to ensure that we deliver the quality education and research programs to our members and to the industry," Miesemer said.

A step in this direction is to develop the "Web site of choice," Miesemer said. "We have made it a priority to develop a Web site that will become the premier education outlet for our members and the industry. We intend to accelerate this process to provide the best source to learn about warehousing and distribution."

Miesemer's career spans more than 25 years in materials management, systems implementations, program management, distribution operations and international logistics. He was with the Hershey Co. for 15 years, most recently as director, distribution and international logistics, where he oversaw approximately 4 million square feet of distribution center operations in the United States and internationally.

WERC is a professional trade organization that focuses on warehouse management and its role in the supply chain.

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