Dole Implements Customs Filing Solution

Dec. 6, 2010
Dole Ocean Cargo Express has selected a customs filing solution to manage its import and export customs filings for the upcoming EU regulations on advanced entry and exit summary declarations.

Solution to Support Compliance With European Import Control System (ICS) and Export Control System (ECS) Regulations Dole Ocean Cargo Express, a division of Dole Food Company, has selected a customs filing solution from Descartes Systems Group to manage its import and export customs filings for the upcoming European Union (EU) regulations on advanced entry (ICS) and exit (ECS) summary declarations.

Global Filer is part of Descartes' Global Trade Compliance suite, which offers a broad range of solutions that help prepare organizations around the world to meet current and long-term compliance mandates.

Dole Ocean Cargo Express selected Descartes' Global Filer to be compliant with EU safety and security regulations and improve overall efficiency and visibility of Dole's customs operations. Global Filer met all of Dole's selection criteria, including the following:

  • A single point of access and dashboard to manage all data entry and
    filing requirements for Dole's security filings to and from its European ports;

  • Complete, real-time visibility into the customs status of cargo and the ability to provide this status information to logistic partners and clients, regardless of their location;

  • Integration capabilities with its back-office cargo management system, optimizing data entry efforts, allowing for re-use of data and significantly reducing the risk or error; and

  • One solution as opposed to different applications to cover multi-country requirements, allowing for a more efficient adoption of resources and time.

Dole Ocean Cargo Express is already a customer using Descartes' Ocean Compliance product, which leverages Descartes' Global Logistics Network (GLN). Descartes' GLN enables transportation providers to connect to their trading partners and regulatory organizations and exchange information.

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