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Made in America Gifts For the Holidays

Dec. 14, 2018
Nearly 75% of Americans prefer to purchase American-made goods.

Americans prefer to purchase a product that was made in the United States. In an Associated Press-GFK poll last year, nearly 75% of Americans indicated they prefer to purchase American-made goods.

However, price does still matter. That same study showed that only 30% were willing to pay more for them. How much more? Well, according to Boston Consulting Group, companies can only charge about 5% more for products made in the U.S. 

But price isn’t the whole issue. A study conducted by found that consumers preferred made in America for other reasons, including:

  • Jobs -- The most common reason shoppers give for buying American is to help save or create jobs in the U.S. According to a 2015 report from the Economic Policy Institute, the U.S. lost a total of 5.7 million manufacturing jobs between 1998 and 2013. Although the U.S. manufacturing industry has recovered somewhat, the perception that jobs are still going away is deeply felt among many Americans.
  • Lower Carbon Footprint -- Products made overseas have a higher carbon footprint than U.S.-made goods. Goods made in China or India have to be shipped all the way across the ocean to reach American stores, burning fossil fuel and spewing out greenhouse gases with every mile they travel.
  • Health --The lack of environmental and safety regulations overseas.

The slideshow that follows showcases domestically-made products that you could consider giving as gifts this holiday season.