Georgia Ports Expands Refrigerated Cargo Volume

March 8, 2010
Georgia Ports Authority (GPA) has added a new set of electrified refrigerated container racks, and can now accommodate 1,056 containers. The expansion will also reduce diesel fuel consumption

Georgia Ports Authority (GPA) has added a new set of electrified refrigerated container racks at Container Berth Five. With the ten new racks, Garden City Terminal now has a total of 44 racks, which can accommodate 1,056 containers.

The completion of these refrigerated container racks will reduce diesel consumption and increases the port’s capacity for cold-storage exports, says Curtis Foltz, GPA’s executive director.

GPA has more than doubled its refrigerated cargo volume in the last six years, with an increase of 120%. In the past two years, volume has increased 19.8%.

Before electrified refrigerated container racks were brought online in 2008, diesel generators were used to power refrigerated containers in tandem with wheeled parking spots with electrical hookups. Now, for every ten racks placed into service, GPA saves about 540,000 gallons of diesel fuel annually, which would have been used to power diesel generators. With a total of 44 racks online, GPA avoids using more than 2.376 million gallons annually.

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