Cre 650 602c0c28b7485

AGV with Single Conveyor Deck

Feb. 16, 2021
Creform has developed a custom AGV system utilizing its FH-B50066 bolt-on AGV (automated guided vehicle) drive, single-directional unit.

Creform Corp. has developed a custom AGV system utilizing its FH-B50066 bolt-on AGV (automated guided vehicle) drive, single-directional unit. The system features two drive wheels—one located toward the front and a second toward the rear. Each end independently follows the guidepath to enable smooth conveyor transfers. The system was built for an automotive powertrain supplier and has detailed requirements necessary to support their process equipment for around the clock operation.

The AGV, part of a plant-wide use of Creform AGVs, and with overall dimensions of 67" L x 38" W x 70" T, features a conveyor transfer height of 20 in. The conveyor area is 31" wide and 33" across with 600 lb. capacity.

The unit essentially acts as a transfer vehicle between conveyors at multiple manufacturing points and features one powered conveyor deck for automatic load transfers. Mechanical load safety-stops rotate down when pulling into the conveyor stations to allow transfers. Gravity causes them to rotate back up when leaving the transfer point to ensure that the load is secure.

It can travel at speeds up 50 M/min and along an approximate 100 ft. long magnetic tape guide. Floor positioned RFID tags are used for the control of speed and obstacle sensor views.

Photocells on the AGV’s conveyor deck are used for load control functions and serve to verify that the load is secure during travel, as well as used for slow-down and stop functions. Any load shift is detected and will stop the AGV. Optical communication devices coordinate the conveyor operation between the AGV and stationary conveyor units. It features radio communication to interface with the traffic management system to keep the system moving efficiently.

Creform Corp.

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