Lumsden 61a654d160834

Wire Conveyor Belt

Nov. 30, 2021
The Sidewinder Belt from Lumsden Belting Corp. features a patented side-shaped wire design that can extend belt life up to eight times longer than comparable belts.

The Sidewinder Belt features a patented side-shaped wire design that can extend belt life up to eight times longer than comparable belts.

With the side flattened wire, the "I-beam" design gives three times greater structural support for product versus standard round wire. With the added height of the wire, users can achieve a longer wear life without needing heavier wire. Some tests have shown life increased by as much as twelve times.

The smooth flat sides that give the belt greater strength also allows breading/batter to pass through more easily. With a minimum curvature at the top and bottom of each loop, there is less surface area for expensive coatings to sit on.

By shaping the wire into taller thinner spirals, users gain a greater open area for cooling or drying applications. When switching to Sidewinder, users can use the same wire gauge as their current belt and gain more open area while lasting longer, or they can go up in wire diameter to make an even stronger belt without sacrificing the critical open area.

Lumsden Belting Corp.

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