On Robot 6297de9ef2ebf

Collaborative Automation Solution

June 1, 2022
OnRobot Palletizer extends OnRobot’s application-first approach to collaborative automation by letting users choose a system that works for their needs.

The OnRobot Palletizer combines performance and fast integration with a small footprint to become a powerful, automated palletizing hardware and software solution. For companies of all sizes, it is designed to take the physical and financial pain out of palletizing processes.

The solution has the ability to handle many different types of boxes, packages, patterns, pallets, and stacking heights. It is compatible with collaborative robot and light industrial robots from the Doosan, FANUC, OMRON, Techman, and Universal Robots brands; the palletizer is available as a complete out-of-the-box system or as individual components to create a mix-and-match solution.

It includes four new hardware and software products: OnRobot Palletizing, software that guides users through the entire deployment from start to finish; OnRobot 2FGP20, a palletizing gripper with a 44.1 lb. (20 kg) payload and customizable arms; OnRobot Lift100, an elevator with a total payload of 220.5 lb. (100 kg) that provides a 7th axis for cobot and lightweight industrial robot brands; and OnRobot Pallet Station, durable floor mounted pallet fixtures designed to ensure consistent positioning.

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