Maxam Tire 629fb54e1a1fe

High-Performance Solid Cushion Tire

June 7, 2022
Incorporating a new rubber compound technology, the MAXAM Tire MS600 press-on solid delivers stability, grip, and tire life with the wide tread width.

Incorporating a new rubber compound technology, the MS600 press-on solid delivers stability, grip, and tire life with the wide tread width. It has a five-deg. sidewall taper and enables productivity.

Featuring a full and unique tread profile for a larger footprint area, the MS600 delivers maximum load distribution and stability when starting and stopping.

Developed with the EcoPoint3 compounding, it tackles rolling, skid, and wear resistance. It allows for the MS600’s masterbatches to contain less filler, higher ratios of stress at elongation, and minimum proportions of impurities.


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