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Drayage Platform

June 16, 2022
KlearNow Drayage is a cloud-based marketplace that allows importers and drayage partners to negotiate and close drayage business on a single platform.

KlearNow Drayage is a cloud-based marketplace that allows importers and drayage partners to negotiate and close drayage business on a single platform. It is an AI-powered, digitalized platform that provides near real-time tracking of containers from origin to destination, enhancing transparency.

Streamlining the movement of goods to market, KlearNow is a LaaS company that is incorporating drayage fulfillment and visibility into its existing customs platform. KlearNow bridges the gap between customs clearance and drayage, giving full control of the final mile to supply chain stakeholders.

Extending shipment visibility and data connectivity, there are many benefits of KlearNow Customs + Drayage, including connecting importers to drayage providers, accurate and timely digital documentation for Electronic Customs Record compliance, and detailed information about pick-up windows to control costs and better planning of warehouse resources.


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