Configura has launched CET Essentials for Material Handling, which allows users to draw layouts in less time using dynamic product placeholders—smart product symbols not attached to a specific manufacturer. Users can design any size warehouse in CET Essentials, then assign specific product brands later in CET Material Handling.
CET Essentials utilizes easy-to-use placement and estimates of material handling systems, realistic 3D renderings and one-click piece counts. The intuitiveness of CET Essentials accelerates the design process; users simply click, snap and stretch 2D and 3D digital symbols that look and behave like real products.
Currently with the Essential Pallet Racking feature, users can add industry standard-sized pallet racking systems to understand how warehouse mechanisms will configure within a space. Future CET Essentials additions will include guarding and deep storage, among other common warehouse staples.
The 3D component of CET offers realistic photo-like renderings, allowing designers and decision-makers to visualize designs and experience their future space.