
Real-time Synchronization of Global Logistics Networks [New Products]

Aug. 11, 2015
Software AG has introduced a Smart Logistics blueprint for its Digital Business Platform, which combines capabilities to digitize, analyze and monetize assets by enabling cutting edge digital applications.

Software AG has introduced a Smart Logistics blueprint for its Digital Business Platform. The Digital Business Platform combines capabilities to digitize, analyze and monetize assets by enabling cutting edge digital applications. The Smart Logistics blueprint overlays the Digital Business Platform with smart processes for real-time synchronization of global logistics networks. Smart Logistics can analyze streaming Internet of Things (IoT), vehicle telematics, and contextual data to provide logisticians with enhanced visibility and increased efficiency across complex logistics operations.

The Software AG Digital Business Platform enables shippers and logistics services providers to instantly analyze streaming data from onboard sensors, suppliers, logistics partners, environmental sensors, traffic feeds, telematics systems and geopolitical risk analysis systems. It is possible to identify problems early, such as wrongly loaded shipments or delays, and respond proactively. The DBP can also factor in information from vehicles, ships, rail cars, and more; this gives users the ability to understand whether events taking place onboard the conveyance will affect transport.

With the Digital Business Platform’s tools for predictive modeling, users also gain the ability to predict where exceptions are most likely to occur and determine estimated arrival times before the transportation route has begun.

Real-time analysis and aggregation of streaming data enables timely actions and accurate predictions by merging real-time and historical data.

Software AG