
Cloud-Based Planning Platform [New Products]

Oct. 10, 2016
Logility Inc. has introduced Logility Voyager Integrated Business Planning, which combines volumetric and financial analysis in one comprehensive planning platform.

Logility Inc. has introduced Logility Voyager Integrated Business Planning, which combines volumetric and financial analysis in one comprehensive planning platform. The native in-memory SaaS solution delivers global visibility, multi-scenario analysis over planning horizons, collaborative workflow, and analytics capabilities.

The solutions offers sales and operations planning (S&OP) and strategic business planning on a single platform. It combines the facets of business planning from long-term financial and growth strategies to monthly operational decision-making in one solution.

Voyager Integrated Business Planning’s rapid simulation capabilities enable companies to develop interactive scenarios with analysis to support demand and supply balancing, segmentation, S&OP, as well as financial and strategic planning alignment. With the ability to model the entire supply chain, the solution allows companies to proactively plan for both opportunities and challenges, be better prepared and focus resources on the activities that deliver the greatest benefit.

In addition, collaborative workflows, active alerts along with interactive key performance indicators (KPIs) allow companies to share and review the merits of multiple trade-offs, approve plans and track performance throughout the planning horizon.

Logility Inc.

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