Keytroller has introduced Engine-Saver, an advanced equipment engine protection system that monitors critical forklift engine functions and warns an operator of critical issues prior to the onset of engine damage and failure.
This compact system monitors the equipment’s oil pressure and coolant temperature, alarming an operator visually and/or audibly of issues. If the operator does not switch off the engine within 30 seconds of alarm, the system automatically shuts down the engine for additional protection. An optional warning and engine shut down feature is also available to prevent excess idling.
Two models are available. The ES-661 detects over-heating or low oil level, and triggers an audible alarm / flashing beacon. It requires a supervisor to override to reset. The ES-662 has the same features as the ES-661, plus automatic engine shut down for excessive engine idling after delay of 1 / 2 / 4 / 8 minutes. It also requires a supervisor to override to reset.
If you do not want to shut the engine down, “crawl mode” option is available. Keytroller’s fuel solenoid, when actuated by a low oil pressure or high engine temperature event, will restrict fuel flow, allowing the vehicle to only attain a “crawl” speed. When the Engine-Saver system receives a high engine temp or low oil pressure reading, it will remove the 12VDC supply from the pink and black wire and drop the solenoid—essentially, the solenoid replaces the relay. You can keep the relay and use its contacts to switch the fuel solenoid.