Tear-Away RFID Label 

Phenix Label has introduced a recyclable packaging design for liquid-filled bottles featuring a tear-away radio-frequency identification (RFID) label tab. With a RAIN RFID inlay from Tageos embedded into the label above fill levels, this idesign improves reliable scannability on the store shelf. This enables retail brands to comply with the RFID scanning guidelines of large retailers, while also increasing sustainability by simplifying recycling.

The tear-away tab design also supports sustainability, allowing consumers to easily remove the RFID portion of the label and recycle empty bottles. Plus, the extended tab provides brand manufacturers with additional packaging space for marketing, increasing product visibility on the retail shelf.

Phenix Label selected the Tageos EOS-261 M730 RFID inlay for their label design. Offering a combination of compact footprint, versatility and reliable performance, this ultra-small inlay meets a wide range of ARC specifications.

Phenix Label