Newsmakers - May 7th, 2024
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Outsourcing logistics allows companies to free up resources and focus on their core competencies.
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The Teamsters view it as a safety measure, while the Wholesalers Distributors association says it's bad for business.
Accenture survey found half of companies require intermediate-level training.
"The road to TMS satisfaction is fraught with integration challenges and unmet expectations," says Brad Forester, CEO JBF Consulting.
"Although demand improvement slowed, output remains positive and inputs stayed accommodative," said ISM.
The industry group wants agreements that include market access and removal of barriers to economic engagement.
Read this eBook to find out how automation solutions are helping companies move products more rapidly and efficiently throughout warehouses and distribution centers.
Editor's Choice
Warehouses and DCs are getting older, and it’s not just the physical buildings.