Air Technical Industries’ Port-O-Giant Mobile Crane has features to provide increased lift height for outdoor or hazardous applications. The crane can be folded or disassembled for easy transportation, storage and movement into crowded areas. It can be put on cargo elevators or it can be used on top of buildings. The crane is equipped with a hydraulic winch to lift and lower the loads from the top of the building to ground level or to work below ground level. The capacity is 6000 lbs with the boom retracted, 3000 lbs capacity with the boom extended and 1000 lbs capacity with the goose-neck attachment. Lifting height is 150” with boom retracted, 216” with the telescopic boom extended and 288” with adjustable goose-neck boom at maximum height. The mobile crane is battery powered, self propelled, 24volts DC with variable speed control. Steering is 90 degrees to left and right for sharp turns. The load wheels are 16” OD mold-on rubber installed on roller bearings for smooth and easy mobility. The unit may be equipped with power telescopic boom, hydraulic winch cable lift, and powered mast rotation. All functions are hydraulically operated.
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