Longview Land Deal Could Ease Port Expansion

Feb. 19, 2009
A settlement between RSG Forest Products and the Port of Longview, WA could open the way for port expansion

Following months of negotiation, the Port of Longview Board of Commissioners approved a settlement agreement and option to purchase real estate with RSG Forest Products. The agreement grants the Port an option to acquire the last piece of property needed to allow the proposed EGT export grain facility to be developed at the Port.

The agreement allows the Port to purchase approximately six acres from RSG to construct a rail line for the proposed facility.

In December 2008, the Port of Longview Commission voted to exercise their right of eminent domain to acquire the six-acre RSG parcel while urging the Port and RSG to continue negotiations and reach a settlement out of court. This agreement sets aside those condemnation proceedings.

“Negotiating a deal with RSG has saved us time and energy we can now dedicate to the project,” said Commission Vice Chairman Bob Bagaason.

The prospective grain terminal at the Port, which would be the first export grain elevator built in the country in over 25 years, has been in the planning stages for nearly three years. A grain facility at the Port would provide significant local and regional economic benefits; employment, revenue to the Port and contribution to the local tax base, said Port officials.

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