Customs to Increase Cargo Regulations

Jan. 24, 2008
The Security Filing is being called because of the amount and nature of the additional information that will have to be electronically submitted by importers

The Security Filing is being called “10+2” because of the amount and nature of the additional information that will have to be electronically submitted by importers and carriers. At this time CBP relies on carrier manifests for advance targeting before a vessel is loaded.

The “2” part of the new Filing will require a vessel to provide a stow plan detailing the physical location of freight loaded on a ship bound for the US. Further, container status messages will be needed that report container movements and changes in their status—whether they are full or empty, for example.

The “10” data elements that will have to be submitted in an Importer Security Filing are: Manufacturer (or supplier) name and address; Seller (or owner) name and address; Buyer (or owner) name and address; Ship-to name and address; Container stuffing location;Consolidator (stuffer) name and address; Importer of record number/foreign trade zone applicant identification number; Consignee number(s); Country o forigin; and Commodity Harmonized Tariff Schedule number.

In commenting on the Notice of Proposed Rulemaking issued by CBP, Agency Commissioner, W. Ralph Basham, said, “The Security Filing will improve CBP’s ability to target high-risk cargo by identifying actual cargo movements and improving the accuracy of cargo descriptions. It will also improve our ability to facilitate lawful international trade by identifying low-risk shipments much earlier in the supply chain.”

To share ideas on the proposed increased regulations, visit Rulemaking Portal,, and follow the instructions for submitting comments to docket number USCBP-2007-0077.

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