Fleet Operator Adopts Satellite Services to Improve Communications

May 6, 2010
Goodwood Ship Management, global operator of a fleet of tankers, bulkers and containerships, has chosen MTN Satellite Communications (MTN), a provider of communications, connectivity and content services to remote locations around the world, to provide maritime satellite services

MTN Satellite Communications (MTN), a global service provider of communications, connectivity and content services to remote locations around the world, has been selected to provide maritime satellite services for Singapore-based Goodwood Ship Management, operator of a diversified fleet of tankers, bulkers, and containerships with global shipping routes.

MTN is initially installing C-band antennas and below-deck equipment on Goodwood managed vessels of three Ore/Bulk/Oil (OBO) ships and one capesize bulker. The vessels are being fitted with four separate phone lines for crew calling as well as computer stations for e-mail and Internet access. In addition, the MTN VSAT will be used for all ship operations and remote management communications. The contract calls for a guaranteed minimum of continuously available bandwidth of 64 kbps with maximum bandwidth of 128 kbps when needed.

“Goodwood joins the growing number of fleet operators switching to MTN VSAT services,” said Bradford C. Briggs, senior vice president and general manager, MTN commercial shipping and energy services. “Our committed information rate (CIR) service plans ensure that the ship will always have access to sufficient bandwidth to meet its communication requirements.”

More than 600 vessels and land-based terminals worldwide, including commercial ships, offshore drilling and production sites, cruise ships, government and military vessels, private yachts and ferries ,use MTN’s voice and data networks. Premium services include remote access for Internet, fixed and mobile phones, fax, television, onboard newspapers, banking services, direct payroll deposit for crew, and other enterprise solutions.

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