Labor Management


Ways to Attract  and Retrain Supply Chain Talent
ID 248887758 © Timon Schneider |
#171785560 © Mark Gomez | Dreamstime
DOL Announces New Actions  to ProtectH-2B Workers
# 170547495 © VectorMine| Dreamstime
Labor Skills Needed for the Future
248887764 © Timon Schneider |
Nlrb Screen Shot


261281988 © Rafael Henrique |
Labor Management

NLRB Rules Political Messages on Company Uniforms Are OK, Sometimes

June 20, 2024
Uniform alteration seen as outgrowth of discrimination complaints.
12018353 © Gino Rigucci |
Port of Portland
Labor Management

West Coast Longshoremen’s Union Files Chapter 11

Oct. 3, 2023
Bankruptcy protection sought after jury determines union acted illegally against employer.
#87999013© Chris Dorney | Dreamstime
Child Labor © Chris Dorney
Global Supply Chain

DOL Releases Annual Worst Forms of Child Labor Report

Sept. 27, 2023
The report includes an overview of 131 countries child labor situations including trafficking, debt bondage, forced labor and hazardous work.
© Tatyana Merkusheva | Dreamstime
Eeoc Regulatory Update
Labor Management

EEO-1 Reporting Deadline Now December 5

Sept. 26, 2023
Announcement may signal a more aggressive EEOC.
© Rafael Henrique | Dreamstime
Nlrb Logo On Flag
Labor Management

NLRB Imposes New Employee Work Rules Standard

Sept. 12, 2023
Expands provisions presumed unlawful under labor law.
Will  Girl Scouts Be the next Supply Chain Leaders?
Labor Management

Will Girl Scouts Be the Next Supply Chain Leaders?

Aug. 8, 2023
DHL teams up with Girl Scouts to promote women-in-the-supply-chain programs.
© Maryvalery | Dreamstime
Labor Management

NLRB Protecting Threats and Profanity

May 29, 2023
Employers have little recourse even when threats are made.
183573674 © Melpomenem | Dreamstime
Labor Management

DOL and NLRB Focus on Telework

April 20, 2023
How employers record hours and use online tracking come under scrutiny.
© Goodluz | Dreamstime
Despite Recession Worries, Companies Are Still Hiring
Labor Management

Despite Recession Worries, Companies Are Still Hiring

April 12, 2023
76% of chief human resources officers expect hiring to remain unchanged or increase within the next six months.