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5 Trends to Follow to Find Top Talent in 2015

Jan. 20, 2015
In 2015, top performers and executive talent will be highly competitive, so great candidates will find themselves in positions of strength.

What will be the top talent trends in the automation workplace in 2015? I see a number of talent trends in the automation industry taking shape now and evolving over the next year. Companies are realizing that they need to incorporate a variety of talent acquisition and retention strategies to stay competitive. In 2015, top performers and executive talent will be highly competitive and therefore, great candidates will find themselves in positions of strength.

From my perspective, these are the 5 talent trends to watch over the next year:

1) Counteroffers on the Rise

Hiring managers are making every attempt to hold onto their top talent. That’s means the amount of counteroffers are on the rise. Hiring managers are trying to entice employees with promotions, raises, extra perks, etc., so that they reconsider leaving the company. Hiring managers say that it’s much easier and more cost-effective to make a counteroffer to a current employee than to bring aboard a new hire and properly train them.

However, an increasing number of employees are turning down counteroffers. Job candidates have found themselves in the best job market in years. Therefore, the power has shifted and high-performing employees are in control.

2) College-level Internships Prove Beneficial and Cost-effective

More and more companies are moving towards creating internship programs at the college level. They consider it a year-round recruiting tool, which means having an ongoing pipeline of future talent, especially in engineering. In addition, interns are an inexpensive resource while at the same time are some of the most highly motivated members of the workforce.

The website Internships.com allows a company to post a profile free of charge. This way, a company can get exposure to top colleges and candidates without breaking their budget.

3) Succession Planning Becomes a Priority

Succession planning is on the minds of companies as more baby boomers start to retire. The concern is that there’s no one to pick up where they left off. In addition, the loss of boomers is creating a leadership shortage.

According to USA Today, one way organizations will succession plan is to pay retirees for their help and expertise to train and mentor up-and-comers. These seasoned workers have invaluable experience and a tremendous amount of knowledge to share.

4) Pledging to Hire More Military Veterans

Corporate America has become very military-friendly. Manufacturing companies, energy corporations, IT firms and the healthcare industry are on a mission to find, hire, train and accommodate U.S. military veterans who possess the skills they’re looking for, including leadership, performance under pressure, teamwork, respect for procedures and integrity.

In 2015, we’ll see more organizations pledging to help veterans make the transition from military life to a civilian workforce.

5) Video Interviewing and Skype Are Becoming More Popular

The use of remote face-to-face interactions, such as video interviewing and Skype, is on the rise. Advanced technology is giving hiring managers a way to review candidates and their personalities prior to meeting them in person. In addition, it can help shorten the interview process, which is often impacted by travel, schedules, vacations, etc. New hires also have a chance to meet the team before they even step in the office.

Dan Charney is the president and CEO of Direct Recruiters Inc. (DRI), a search firm for companies specializing in material handling & logistics, packaging, capital equipment and automation systems.

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